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Carpool Safety & Dismissal Procedures Reminder


To ensure the safety of our students during morning carpool, please either come through the staffed carpool line for easy drop-off or pull up to the front door parking spots to allow your child out of your car safely. The upper lot should not be used for drop-off, as no one is at the crosswalk to ensure your child’s safety. Only use the upper lot to park and walk your students in after 7:35, as directed by the carpool staff in the parking lot.

Dismissal Procedures

In order to ensure a safe and smooth end of the year, I am asking for your help when checking students out before the end of the day or providing a transportation change.


Per our AES Student Handbook:

It is the best practice to ensure school safety that all transportation changes are communicated as soon as possibleIn the event of an emergency or last-minute change please notify the office before 1:30PM.


If picking up in afternoon carpool:

Display your Dismissal number on driver side visor.


Bus change:


In order for a student to ride a different bus or get off at another stop, a written request must be submitted to the front office by 9:00 AM for approval. This request must include the name and address of where the student is to be dropped off, the bus number and the reason (childcare only) for the request. Unless the school is notified in writing, students will be sent home in their normal mannerEmails cannot be accepted due to teacher absences and occasional network difficultiesThe request must then be approved by the front office. Multiple days or permanent changes must go through the Transportation Department. Please contact the Bus Transportation Department at (470) 254-2970 for these approvals.

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