Alpharetta Elementary School 2024-2025 Partners in Education Program
Please consider supporting the AES Community with a business partnership that is a 100% tax deductible donation! With the help of our Partners In Education (PIEs), the AES PTO is able to help supplement the needs of teachers, students and school administration throughout the school year. This year we’re focusing on raising money to replace playground equipment and we need your support!
What’s new this year:
● Addition of shout-outs in the newly designed PTO Newsletter which will be sent out bi-weekly throughout the calendar year!
● Our Comms team will collaborate with ALL partners to make social media posts POP!
● We have added another diamond membership opportunity!
● MORE Social Media Shout-outs to maximize your footprint and outreach online!
● Addition of a free spirit wear t-shirt for AES Parents that participate in the program!
Diamond Partnership -- $2000
● Exclusive sponsorship of our Movie Night, Bingo Night, Fall Fundraiser, or School Carnival
● Includes all Platinum partnership incentives as well
Platinum Partnership -- $1000
● Premier logo/ad placement on Friday Folders sent home weekly with each student
● Premier logo placement on business partner signage inside/outside of the school
● Logo placement on AES PTO website homepage
● Promotion on AES PTO Social Media sites (twitter, FB, Insta), PTO newsletter and Principal’s newsletter
4x/school year
● Ability to send fliers home with students promoting business quarterly during the school year (partner
must provide copies)
● Ability to have a booth/table at AES PTO Outdoor events
Gold Partnership -- $500
● Logo/Ad on Friday Folders sent home weekly with each student
● Logo placement on business partner signage inside of the school
● Logo placement on AES PTO website business partners page
● Promotion on AES PTO Social Media, PTO newsletter, and Principal’s newsletter (EagleWings) 2x/year
● Ability to send fliers home with students promoting business 3x during the school year (partner must
provide copies)
Silver Partnership -- $250
● Logo/Ad on Friday Folders sent home weekly with each student
● Logo placement on business partner signage inside of the school
● Logo placement on AES PTO website business partners page
● Promotion on AES PTO Social Media, PTO newsletter, and Principal’s Newsletter (EagleWings) 2x/year.
Sign-up by August 15th, 2024 on our PTO website at:
Questions? Email Jessie Jennings ( Esther Weathers ( or Mils Ware (
*For All AES Parents who participate in the PIEs program, the PTO will give you a free spirit wear T-shirt of your choice! (from available supply)